Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Greetings peasants, I Dr. Overkill have decided to use time during the Ubermas holiday to issue a statement and my demands.  As many of you may have noticed the weather has been very odd as of late.  Now, many of these so called "scientists" would blame it on climate change, and they are partially right, but mostly wrong.  For you see, it is I, Dr. Overkill who has been altering the weather patterns.  As the two of you who pay any attention to my blog will know, I have been working on various failed attempts at weather control.  Failures, until now.  As of November 10th I have completed my Weather Dominator.  That's right, Weather Dominator.  I've been using it to change global weather patterns, mostly for fun, but now that I've kept it snowless for the better part of December, I think it is time to reveal my evil plan.

I will continue to hold off snow till December 26th, ruining Christmas for a large portion of the population....unless I get what I want, my demands are as follows:

1.) Funding to build a device to create an Einstein-Rosen bridge that would allow me to visit the planet Amaru

2.) A Neutron bomb to send to the planet Amaru so that I can take all of their stuff

Now that you have my demands, I will go back to work on my power armor.  That's right, I'm making power armor.


Sunday, July 22, 2012

On Aurora

After a relaxing weekend spent with a fellow villain, I have come home to reports of what has happened in Colorado, how a deranged man claiming to be the Joker attacked a theater full of people, killing several, and when the authorities went to his house they found it to be trapped with explosives.  When I found this out I was shocked, had one of the community gone off the farm?

Let me be perfectly clear with everyone and set the record straight on this:  This man was NOT a Real Life Super Villain.  Being a RLSV isn't about causing harm and destruction.  Being a RLSV is about living your life to the fullest, about overcoming society's antiquated morality and fulfilling that role of the trickster god.  What happened in Aurora was not Villainy, it was terrorism, and that is unacceptable.  I urge everyone in the community, hero and villain, to rise up and decry this senseless violence.  As a community we set out to be an example for the common man and to make a difference, well, now is the time to come together and unite, to show the world at large that we are NOT a bunch of dangerous crazies running about endangering people.  We must show that we serve a purpose in the greater scheme of things and not just our own vanity and egos.   So I say to all of you, hero, villain, x-alt, rise, rise up and became what we SHOULD be.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What I've been working on

Greetings all,

Once again it is I, Doctor Overkill, premiere super villain of Sturgis Falls. The five or so of you who read this will be wondering what I've been up to and why haven't I been blogging. Well, the answer is simple. I've been busy doing things. My previous post mentioned that I have taken up swordsmenship. Well, I can report that not only have I been continuing with my bladework, I have become one of the best swordsmen in the area, so good in fact that one of the best fencers in the Midwest recently challenged me to a duel.

As to villainous plots, mine have been numerous, my most successful (in the sense that it worked the longest before failing in a very explosive and hilarious way) was my Moisture Inhibitor. I'm not going to bore you with the science behind the Moisture Inhibitor, I'll simply tell you what I used it for. What I did quite simply was control the weather here in Sturgis Falls. Why would I control the weather you ask? Well it's plainly obvious. I wanted to destroy Christmas! Yes, I did it to deny the children of the town a white Christmas! Those little bastards egged the Overcar for the last time! And it worked for awhile, when it exploded (as many of the things I create tend to do) it caused a ripple in the localized atmosphere, seeding it with so much moisture that we had roughly the same effects as the mishap with the trans-planar osculation device. The net result was an only semi-cold December and Fimbulwinter in January.

Beyond that I am working on expanding my evil empire and trying to recruit like minded villains in the area, or failing that to create a few. I am rambling at the moment, so I leave you to cower in my shadow.


Friday, March 25, 2011

Martial Arts

Greetings fellow villains,

After nearly a year of silence I have returned. My plans are going well, my experiments with weather control, while very haphazard seem to be working.

The main purpose of my post today is to in fact talk about the physical side of villainy. We villains are a more cerebral bunch than our counterparts, but occasionally even our best laid plans will be foiled and we will be forced to fight. So what I wonder is what martial arts do the various members of our community know? Myself, I have taken up that great and often seen as pretentious combat art of fencing. While I'm no master at it I am more than skilled enough to defend myself with a blade. In fact, I am probably the best duelist of the group I fight with. So what can everyone do?

-Dr. Overkill

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Weather Domination

Greetings all. Long time no threaten. While I have not been blogging for quite a while I have been busy. My students become more and more twisted and warped as the semester goes on. Besides that I have carried on with my various attempts to control the weather. Why have I continued to do this when it is glaringly obvious that I'm pretty incompetent when it comes to weather control? It's quite simple, the snow has been pissing me off. While I do love colder weather it has been annoying me greatly, so I has had to go. While initial tests have are promising, I'm still trying to work the kinks out and when I do Sturgis Falls shall suffer my wrath!


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Regarding my long absence.

Greetings all,

The four or so people who read my blog must be wondering where I have been the past month. Now, I have been hearing rumors that are completely untrue. I have in fact not died. Neither have I been defeated or given up on villainy.

My mother has vacated the physical dimension and I have spent the last month settling her estate. That is now mostly settled so I can now return. This has though, given me a new lease on life. I'm tired of just screwing about and am now dedicated to taking it to the big leagues.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Blizzard of Death

It seems one of my projects has went horribly wrong. Long story short, the combination of cold weather and my trans-planar oscillation device imploding we've had a snowstorm the likes of which hasn't been seen in this part of Iowa in years. As a result Sturgis City was shut down for a day. No snow plows on the road, no mail delivery, everything shut down. I count it as a minor victory.

-Dr. Overkill