Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Greetings peasants, I Dr. Overkill have decided to use time during the Ubermas holiday to issue a statement and my demands.  As many of you may have noticed the weather has been very odd as of late.  Now, many of these so called "scientists" would blame it on climate change, and they are partially right, but mostly wrong.  For you see, it is I, Dr. Overkill who has been altering the weather patterns.  As the two of you who pay any attention to my blog will know, I have been working on various failed attempts at weather control.  Failures, until now.  As of November 10th I have completed my Weather Dominator.  That's right, Weather Dominator.  I've been using it to change global weather patterns, mostly for fun, but now that I've kept it snowless for the better part of December, I think it is time to reveal my evil plan.

I will continue to hold off snow till December 26th, ruining Christmas for a large portion of the population....unless I get what I want, my demands are as follows:

1.) Funding to build a device to create an Einstein-Rosen bridge that would allow me to visit the planet Amaru

2.) A Neutron bomb to send to the planet Amaru so that I can take all of their stuff

Now that you have my demands, I will go back to work on my power armor.  That's right, I'm making power armor.


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