Friday, November 27, 2009


It's hard to break into super villainy. You have to come up with a persona, and a back story and all kinds of things. One of the most important things that a villain has though, is the costume. You could be the greatest villain in the history of everything, and yet because of a lame costume be overshadowed. You want to look interesting, but still have people fear you rather than look like something Marvel did in the 90's. With this on my mind I began brainstorming. It finally dawned on me that I had no good ideas. Thankfully I my girlfriend is a designer of such things and she has promised me renderings soon. So, stay tuned for possible costume ideas for the good doctor.



  1. Evil Fortune Dr. Overkill. This same conundrum faces us all. Still, serendipitous opportunities may present themselves through the process. Be flexible, and have fun.
    One awaits your presentation,
    -Lord Malignance

  2. So true,Lord M.
    I also had no idea and so I put a bag on my´s not that scary as I thought...

  3. I cruised Wikipedia until I found something that was both radioactive and not dumb sounding. -_-;;

  4. Yes well I thought that Dr. Overkill was perfectly supervillainish.

    Sadly the girlfriend won't be doing anything with my costume for awhile. Classes+show she's designing is opening soon so I'll see what I can scrounge for an interum look.
